26 Dec 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
At week 31, baby’s about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. She’s also going through major brain, nerve and eye development. Her irises even react to light. All five of her senses are now in working order! Plus, baby’s body temperature is now partially being regulated by parts of her brain. Her bones, with the exception of the skull, are hardening too.
At week 32, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches. She’s likely to be in the head-down position now, getting ready for her descent — the journey down the birth canal. And not a minute too soon, because at this point, she’s probably feeling even more cramped inside Mommy.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
OK…I had a few days there right before Christmas where I wasn’t feeling great at all, but I think I was just overdoing it. Yesterday, on Christmas, I took it kind of easy and I felt fine all day. Except for that part where my normal 8:30am riser woke up at 6:45 or so. That was unexpected, but today he was back to normal, so maybe he was just excited about all the Santa hype? The baby has been moving around lots and it’s been fun to feel.
Weight gain?
Up 24 lbs! I checked my posts from last time and at 32 weeks I had gained 20 lbs, so I’m not too far off that mark. And just because I (and everyone else) think I look so big, I’m posting a comparison picture from about the same time, with Urijah. What do you think? Bigger? Smaller? On Par?
Then and now:

No face this week, since it’s very tired looking, and also read and splotchy from so much nose-blowing.
I actually think I look smaller this time! Could just be the angle or the clothes, but interesting! I feel huge!
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I miss being able to move around in bed comfortably and sleep on my stomach. Same things as last time, as I recall! I am looking forward to moving everything into U’s new big boy room and hanging up his new pictures and all that…
We have made progress! So, since we were going to paint U’s room (turned out Scott didn’t really like the grey we got and the brown color that was in there already was pretty ok for a boy’s room, we decided to just keep it as is. Scott did put a fresh coat over the top to brighten it up, though), we decided just to bite the bullet and replace the upstairs carpet that was so stained and matted down and, well, just yucky. We got brand new carpet in our room, U’s new room, the hallway and the game room. It is super nice and before it was installed Scott screwed down all the sub floor so there are NO MORE SQUEAKS. It’s really exciting! So, Scott replaced all the baseboards in all of those areas, painted, got rid of the squeaks and then the carpet went in on Monday. Now, the new ceiling fan and blinds will go up in U’s room, and then we can move his crib and toys and stuff over. He already knows that’s going to be his room…he points to it when we walk by and says “Rah-rah”, which is what he calls himself. Then I can make room for all the baby stuff in the nursery again and get things set up and in place. I think the strangest thing will be to put the infant car seat in the car again!
Highlights of the week?
CHRISTMAS!! It was a really fun day yesterday. U was over the moon about his toys…so much so that we couldn’t even get him to open everything. He just wanted to play play play. And last night after he went to bed I gathered up a few things and socked them away for a rainy day down the road when we need some fresh entertainment. I got a Kindle Paperwhite!! from Scott and a Le Creuset french oven from the in laws…and a serving bowl from Potterybarn that matches my dishes from my folks. I’m noticing that my taste is getting more and more expensive the older I get. Ha!
Belly pic:
See above!
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