17 Feb 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
In month nine, the average fetus is about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches (wow!). But you really won’t know exactly how big your baby is until his birth. Baby’s hair and nails continue to grow, and she’s keeping up that lung development too.
Food comparison this week is… (a jackfruit. Whatever…who even knows what that is?!)
How am I feeling?
Physically, OK. Most of the pain from the pubic symphysis seems to be gone, so that has been really nice! I am having an easier time walking and moving around in bed, and therefore sleeping better as well. Mentally though, this waiting is taxing. I hate to be gripey, since I’m only today at my due date, but given my history, I kind of feel like my due date was three weeks ago. And feeling like I can go at anytime has me just sort of in limbo for all this time. I can’t concentrate on anything and I have zero motivation to get involved in anything, and there is only so much TV you can watch. I have been able to get in a decent amount of reading, but even that is kind of hard to concentrate on. (Says the person who can normally read with no problem in a room with the TV on and conversations happening all around.) So…I wait.
Weight gain?
Still with the 29 lbs. I think my body must be refusing to cross into that 30 lb range.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
Totally self-explanatory at this point.
Nothing else to do, that I can think of. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. Maybe I forgot something? But no guarantees I’ll do it even if you come up with something. See above, regarding zero motivation.
Highlights of the week?
Hitting full-term?
Belly pic:

11 Feb 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. He probably weighs around 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches. By week 39, your baby is probably able to flex his limbs. His brain is still rapidly developing and he’s getting smarter by the week!
Food comparison this week is… (good lord…a watermelon. Sheesh.)
How am I feeling?
Today – pretty good. Yesterday and Sunday, not so much. I’ve been having some
pubic symphysis pain on and off…which makes movement uncomfortable, and on Sunday, I stood up very quickly from a sitting position and almost immediately that seemed to make everything shift and separate a bit more and the pain was even worse. I was pretty much useless for the rest of the day and most of the day Monday, as well. I just had to sit still and rest. Which…seems to have helped, because last night and today it feels much, much better! Still not gone all the way, but that probably won’t really resolve itself until after I have the baby and all the hormones level out and my ligaments start to go back to normal. It’s pretty hard to get out of bed at night, and since I am waking up to go to the bathroom about 4 or 5 times a night, it is kind of an ordeal. I have to move VERY slowly and while I don’t particularly watch the clock, I imagine it takes me about a full minute to roll over, sit up and get up out of the bed and moving towards the bathroom.
At my appt yesterday, everything checked out fine. My blood pressure was good (116/78), baby’s heartrate was around 142 and he’s still definitely head down, with his hand up by his face. (Urijah was in that position, too!) So…we went ahead and scheduled the 40 week appt. We’ll see if I get to that point! The midwife did say that it didn’t feel like the baby was all the way down in my pelvis and that his head was sort of right at the edge of my pubic bone (which was probably also contributing to the pain since that area is already tender). Wouldn’t is just be unexpected if I go overdue with this one? I don’t think anyone would have seen that coming!
Weight gain?
Still at 29 lbs….
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I miss not being in pain….I remember at the end of my pregnancy with U, I had really bad sciatic pain and I really felt for anyone who dealt with chronic pain, because it is downright miserable. And this time, it is this pubic symphysis pain that makes standing up, rolling over, walking, etc, all pretty darn uncomfortable. Once it’s all done, I’ll be glad. Looking forward to? I think that’s pretty obvious.
The infant car seat is now installed in the backseat of the car! Urijah’s seat got moved to behind the driver’s seat, because with the infant seat installed rear-facing, you can’t fully slide the drivers seat back, so we had to switch the seats so that the front passenger just has to sit a notch or two forward to accommodate. Seems like a better option to make sure that the driver is seated comfortably, huh?
Highlights of the week?
I got nothin. Just taking it day by day.
Belly pic:
I’m looking pretty raggedy right now, or else I would just take a quick one in the mirror. I’ll see about getting Scott to take one this evening.
04 Feb 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen.
By week 38, your baby may have about an inch or so of hair already. She’s also slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa), but you might still see some of it at birth.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
Sort of on repeat here….it seems to change by the hour! Sometimes I feel ok and somewhat normal, and then in no time I feel like I’ve been run over by a bus and can barely move around. Last night I bailed early and went to bed around 10:00pm. I just wanted to lay down so badly…so I read for a bit and then got sleepy. I woke up at 12:45pm completely sweaty and with raging heartburn. Misery. I turned down the heat, got a wet washcloth for my face and ate a few tums and after about ten minutes I had cooled down enough to lay back down and then I was able to sleep like a rock till about 5:45am. I’m pretty sure the baby is still head down, when I go by how the movements feel, but my 38 week appt is later this afternoon, so they can confirm it then. It didn’t really occur to me until I was texting with Ali a day or two ago and she mentioned that I got to miss out on this really difficult last month of pregnancy last time…and it’s true! By this point last time, U was already a week old. And for the whole week before that, I was in labor anticipation mode, since my water had already broken. Puts a whole different spin on things when you know the end is imminent. But for all my griping and uncomfortableness, I’m really glad to keep this baby in longer.
Weight gain?
Looks like I’ve gained some! up to 29 lbs gained.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I am looking forward to the birth! One, so I can be done being pregnant, but mostly because I remember the amazing feeling of strength and pride at what I had accomplished and I can’t wait to feel that again. Plus, both Scott and I are so, so curious about what this baby will look like. We both imagine him as another Urijah, because that’s our point of reference, so it’s going to be a shock when he (most likely) comes out looking different!
Well, Scott seems to be done with his nesting. Scott tends to nest way more than I do, (and in a much bigger fashion!) in preparation for babies….last time it was full-on nursery remodel and master bathroom remodel, and this time it has been carpet replacement, new water softener and new water heaters. Which, granted, all of that stuff has needed to have been done for a very long time, so…this was as good of a time as any, I guess! Our upstairs carpet, two water heaters and water softener were all original from when the house was built…in 1996. So, we got a very long life out of all of those things. It was time for replacements. As for me, I’ve washed baby clothes, bought some diapers, gotten U’s new room ready and pulled out the infant carseat and bouncy seat and all my nursing bras and clothes. So…I’m ready.
Highlights of the week?
I’m sure there was something big or exciting that happened, but I can’t think of it right now.
Belly pic:

27 Jan 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Yay! Baby has reached full term. He likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds, and he’s gaining about a 1/2 ounce each day. During week 37, baby’s practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. He’s also getting his first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for his first diaper.
Food comparison this week is… (winter melon? What is that?)
How am I feeling?
So, so relieved! At my appt this morning, baby was most definitely head down! I felt like cheering and there might have been some high fives with my midwives. Everyone was very excited and relieved. Now, we’ll all just keep our fingers crossed that he stays head down from here on out. I would love to know if it was anything I did (inversions, chiropractor visits, homeopathy, talking to him and telling him I wanted him to flip) or if he just did it all on his own. Guess it doesn’t matter so long as I don’t have to deal with the possibility of a c-section because he was situated upside down. Physically, my sciatica has been better the last 2 days (probably a result of the chiropractor visits) so that has been nice, but my belly is so heavy and feels so full all the time. I can’t bend very well at all, and I can’t stand very long either without really needing to sit down. Laying down feels the best since the weight of my belly is on the bed and not on me. But there is a small person around who keeps me on my toes and seems to time his requests for snacks and drinks about 15 seconds after I lower myself into a sitting position. Of course. 🙂
Weight gain?
Still 26 lbs ….I’m pretty much right on target, if not a little less, than I gained with Urijah. We’ll see how this one shakes out in the end, though…depending on how long I go.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
What I miss hasn’t changed from lat week….getting back to my normal self. But as of today I feel like I can look forward to this birth again. I was feeling so disappointed and nervous when I knew he was breech; about very likely having to go the hospital c-section route. I wasn’t feeling very comfortable with the idea of a breech natural delivery, even though my midwives would have supported it and done it. I was lamenting the fact that my midwife wouldn’t deliver this baby like she had Urijah, and that I would have to stay in the hospital for some time rather than getting to go home soon after birth, and that this baby wouldn’t be born in the same place, and same room, as his big brother. I was feeling pretty depressed and stressed about it all…especially knowing that this baby was inside my body and yet, I still couldn’t make him do what I wanted. Frustrating! Now, I know there is no guarantee that he will stay in the head down position, but it’s likely, so I’m going to stick with that and try to stay positive. Can’t hurt, right? And I’m going to go to one more chiropractor appointment since getting adjusted will help my pelvis open up a bit more and help the baby settle down in there.
Not much change here….we didn’t get to go look at cars since that day we actually had a small ice “storm” that wasn’t exactly the best weather to go out in. U stayed home from school and so we did, too. Other than that, we’re ready!
Highlights of the week?
I think the obvious highlight is the non-breech status we learned of today. Another highlight has been all the movement from this kiddo. He has been very active the past few days, and especially at night when we sit down to watch TV or a movie after U is in bed, he goes crazy! My whole belly moves and jumps and it is so surreal to watch. We could even see, what looked like a foot, dragging its way down the far side of my belly a couple times – that was strange. I need to get some video of it…hopefully tonight he’ll do it again and I can catch it. Also, I guess another highlight is that we have officially surpassed the length of time I was pregnant with Urijah. My water broke at 36w1d and I had him on 36w6d. As of today, I am 37w, so yay! Heather told me today, that since he is head down now, and is officially considered “full-term” at 37w, I can go anytime with no issues!
Belly pic:
I’ll update again after the fact. Check back soon!
20 Jan 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
He’s still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up. Your once-poppy-seed would probably be able to breathe on his own if he was born right now. (If not, he’d probably need some TLC, but he’d likely be okay.) Most of his systems and his organs, such as his liver and kidneys, are in working order at 36 weeks.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
OK-ish. Yesterday was a long day and I was up and down off the floor a lot with U, so by the time evening rolled around, I was miserable. The sciatica had kicked in full-force and I was grumpy and uncomfortable. I took a Epsom salt bath with lavender after U went to bed and it actually made a pretty big difference. I have my prenatal appt this afternoon, and I’ll be interested to see what they say about which way the baby is facing. I feel like it has changed every day – sometimes I can feel hiccups way down low, other times, they are higher up. Yesterday and today, I feel like he is head down because I feel a lot of pressure that is making me walk slow and kind of waddle wide-stepped. I haven’t done anything to really try to get the baby to move since I thought he might have already done it on his own and I didn’t want to undo it, if he has! But if they tell me today that he is still breech, I’ll get right on trying some tactics. I’m waking up about every 1.5-2 hours at night to go to the bathroom and to change position, until I get to around 5:00am – then I feel like I could sleep and sleep. But depending on the day, it’s time to get up at either 7:00 or 7:30 anyhow!
Weight gain?
Looks like I’m up to 26 lbs gained!
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I miss being comfortable. I miss being able to run around and play with Urijah like I want to…and like he wants me to! I’m looking forward to being able to move around easily, and actually, this time, I’m looking forward to getting back to wearing regular clothes. Not saying that it’s going to be pleasant or easy for all those first months since nothing will likely fit anyhow, but so much of my maternity stuff already doesn’t fit, I’m really relegated to a few things that I’m just wearing over and over. So, mostly, I just want to be back to normal Julie.
We’re….pretty much prepared at this point, I think. U is definitely settled in his new room, the baby’s stuff is settled in his room, and I have the basket of burpcloths back on the shelf downstairs where we kept them before. I am going to set up the changing pad in our bedroom for those middle of the night diaper changes that have to happen in those first months, and the carseat will go in the car very soon! (We’re actually going to look at some cars later this week, since Scott will be starting his new job soon and will need a more economical vehicle for the longer drive. The plan right now is that he will take the Prius and I will drive whatever “new to us” car we decide on that has a bit more space for 2 kids. If we can decide on and find something quickly, we can wait to put the carseat in it, but if not, it will go in the Prius just in case. I finally took some pictures of Urijah’s new room, so you all can see it, so far. We still need to get a bookshelf and to figure out some better toy storage instead of just all those random bins on the floor. But, no real rush on all that stuff. He seems happy with it, just as it is!

From his door, looking in..

Main view

This picture shows the wall color and carpet color the best, even if it is of is mostly closet doors.

This is the felt board I made for him…mounted on the wall just inside the room, down low so he can use it. I didn’t make these farm pieces, just the board, FYI.
Highlights of the week?
There hasn’t really been a pregnancy related highlight, but Urijah has really started saying more and more words and it is so exciting to hear him trying new things to say! Like when we were in the car the other day and something happened, and I said “Oh, shoot!” and without missing a beat, he parroted “Shoot! Shoot!” from the backseat. Ha! Some of the other new ones he;s come up with in the last week or two are help, food, oops, yellow, snack, yucky and cold. Also, here are the pictures from his first day of school..better late than never!

First day of school breakfast!

Wearing his backpack and holding Peanut, his chipmunk, who goes with him, every day!

Checking out his new classroom…with Dad.
Belly pic: none yet, but I’ll have Scott take one tonight…the first “real” one we will have done in a lot of weeks!
Updated pic:

(I might be smiling but that was because Urijah was doing his “silly” face for me. Otherwise, I’m huge and uncomfortable and can’t be bothered to wear real pants or do anything with my hair or face. Taa-daa!)
13 Jan 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Baby’s about 17.2 to 18.7 inches and around 4.2 to 5.8 pounds. By week 35, these systems are all a go in baby: hearing is fully developed, the circulatory and musculoskeletal systems are complete and her lungs are mature.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
I was feeling kind of cruddy but the last 2 days I have felt better – less pressure and more comfortable in general, and at my prenatal appt today, we discovered that it was most likely because the baby has turned and is now breech! Stinker. I think I know when it happened, (although at the time I had no idea) but thinking back I can narrow it down, I’m pretty sure. It’s not too big of a deal at this point…the baby has plenty of time and space to still flip back over and my midwife gave me some ideas of things to do that usually work to flip a breech baby. But I might enjoy another day or two of being more comfortable before I try any of those techniques. 2 of the midwives palpated around to confirm, and then we did a quick ultrasound that verified it. Although now that I am sitting here at the computer I would swear that I felt a good round of hiccups very down low…so, who knows? Maybe it was a temporary thing and he’s already decided he likes it better head down?
Weight gain?
Still holding steady at 23 lbs
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to that crazy feeling of pride every time a baby does or learns something new. I remember that so vividly..how the simplest thing could bring me to tears and make my heart swell all at the same time – I was just so proud. I mean, I still feel that with U, but it’s bigger things now…saying words, and accomplishing tasks, and all that. But with a baby, it’s so funny that a smile can give you that feeling…or holding his head steady for 5 or 10 seconds. Such small things…that have such an impact!
I’m planning to take the car in for a inside and out wash and detail sometime in the next week. Then the infant car seat will go in, so that we’re ready. I’ve piled up all the stuff for the baby to take to the birth center, but still need to gather up all my stuff and actually put it all into a bag. U has a bag packed, too, so that in case we have to hand him off to a friend to watch for a while, he’ll be all set with clothes and toys and snacks.
Highlights of the week?
During the quick ultrasound that we did today to verify the baby is breech, the tech commented that it looked like he was going to have hair! That was kind of cool.
Belly pic:
My friend Amy came over yesterday and did some henna on my belly – it turned out so cool! It will last about a week or two and then just fade away on its own. Here is the picture before all the dried henna paste flaked off. (once that flakes off the color is much lighter – sort of a reddish0-brown tint on the skin.)

06 Jan 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
At less than two months to go, he weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. Watch what you say! Your curious baby is listening in to your conversations at 34 weeks — and might enjoy a lullaby or two — so go ahead and sing to him. Some say that baby will recognize songs mom sings while he’s in the womb, and may even be more easily soothed by them if he’s used to them once he’s on the “outside.” At week 34, you might breathe a little easier, since baby may descend lower into your pelvis and give your lungs some space. (Ahh!) Of course, some babies don’t do this until the day they’re born, so we’re not making any guarantees. The pitfall of this descent, of course, is even more pressure on your bladder, so be prepared to make even more trips to the ladies room over the coming weeks.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
OK-ish. The baby is really low down, so that’s good, but it’s making me feel like my pelvic bones are already shifting….I am definitely waddling now when I walk because of all that low-down pressure. It’s a noticeable change..I am moving pretty darn slowly now and am having all sorts of weird aches and pains. The baby is still moving a bunch, so that’s good, and is very fond of pushing his butt out, just to the right of my bellybutton, so I look quite lopsided from my overhead perspective.
Today is Urijah’s first day of preschool – he is there right now!! He did really well at drop-off, for his first day, but Mom didn’t hold up as well as I had hoped. SO emotional! I wanted to really keep it together and had pumped myself up for it, but, all my pep-talking was no match for my hormones. I said goodbye real quick and reminded him that I would be back to get him after he ate lunch, and he was heading off to check out some trucks, so I got out of there where Scott did the final goodbye and reassurance. I’m planning to get there a few minutes early so I can watch him in his class on the video monitor for a couple of minutes before going in to get him. Just to see how he’s doing.
Weight gain?
Up 23 lbs. So, still hanging around the same mark…
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I never realized how many times a day I get on and off the floor. I really miss being able to do that without propping myself up on something and rocking back to gain momentum and grunting. It’s all very ladylike. And I’m thrilled we got that super dense carpet upstairs…it’s way more comfortable sitting on the floor of U’s room now!
In all honesty, I am looking forward to being done being pregnant. This time has not been as easy as my first time and I’m tired of being uncomfortable and being limited in what I can do. I have always heard women talk about feeling like their body is not really their own, during pregnancy and I don’t think I really got it before now. My first pregnancy I was fine to let the pregnancy take over and sort of put life on hold. But this time, I can’t really do that..so trying to still keep going with the days as usual is way more challenging and I’m ready to move on to the next stage of having the baby out of my body and feeling like myself again.
The infant car seat, bouncy seat and floor play mat have all been pulled out. I washed the covers on the car seat and bouncy seat and got them both reassembled. They are now ready to go, just hanging out in the baby’s room. Most of the baby clothes have been washed and are ready to go…and I saw the box of bottles and the drying rack and all that in the closet, but I left it in there for now. We’re keeping all fingers tightly crossed for a more successful breastfeeding run this time…if we can avoid having to buy formula and wash bottles non stop, we’ll all be happier! (But if not, we’ve got all that stuff on hand…just in case.)
As soon as we get the pictures hung up in U’s room, we can take pictures of everything and show them off! He seems to have made the transition to his new room with no issues at all. He’s been in it for about 4 or 5 nights now and is still sleeping just fine at nighttime and for naps. So…that was easy?
Highlights of the week?
I wouldn’t really call it a highlight, but it’s a funny story, so I’ll share. Yesterday it was in the 40’s here and SUPER windy. We were finishing taking down all the Christmas decorations and so U and I went out front to pull the lights off the bushes real quick. I was just wearing shorts and a tank top inside the house, so I pulled on this long brown cardigan sweater and some shoes and we went outside. I got the lights off of one bush and when I started on the second, I heard U saying “Mama! Mama!” over and over. I didn’t turn around, but asked him what he wanted, and he just kept saying it, so I finally turned around and saw him pointing across the street. He has gotten out his big blue bouncy ball from the container on the porch and the wind has snagged it and blown it across the street. By the time I looked it was already 2 houses down. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I just said “Oh no! Mama will get it. Stay here!” and took off after it. I started with just a fast walk, but the wind kept gusting and blowing it farther and farther, so I jogged a bit. It blew back to our side of the street, but was rolling faster and faster and I was getting farther and farther away from the house (where my 2 year old was just left in the front yard!), so I realized I needed to run. So I sprinted. I had to run all the way into the neighborhood behind ours…about a quarter of a mile in all! FOR A $2 BALL Once I got it, I had to walk back home (because I was out of breath and running was just a bad idea in general) and I was so embarrassed that I was out there in that ridiculous (and weather inappropriate) outfit, that cars kept going by. I just kept my head down the whole way. And as I got close to our house, I was scanning to see where U was (knowing that he can open the front door and that he might have gone inside since it was so cold, but also knowing that he wouldn’t leave the yard or go into the street – that’s just not his personality) and finally I saw him…sitting on the front porch step with his hands in his lap. Just patiently waiting. God, I love that kid. He makes me laugh! So, the ball was safely returned, but I felt awful for the rest of the day. So I tried to take it easy, and relax..today I feel much better, so all’s well that ends well. But next time, some other kid might be really happy when they find a free blue ball bouncing around in their yard.
Belly pic:

02 Jan 2014
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
At week 33, baby weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. She may even grow up to a full inch this week! She’s turning into a curious kid who can keep her eyes open while awake, and she’s starting to coordinate her breathing with her sucking and swallowing. Those baby bones are continuing to harden as well.
Food comparison this week is… (a durian fruit. Which is the most random fruit to choose to compare to, since it’s not like these are all too common here in the US. I’ve actually had this fruit before, when I was in Malaysia. It was OK.)
How am I feeling?
Heavy. Clumsy. But mostly OK. Starting to feel some pressure now and again, and I get Braxton Hicks contractions pretty easily when I’m up doing stuff, but they go away when I sit and relax. So…probably pretty on par for 33 weeks.
Weight gain?
I had my prenatal appt on Monday and I was actually down 2 lbs! Go figure. I feel like by the time my next appt rolls around there will be another increase, though. This belly is getting heavy. And awkward.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I miss comfortable sleeping at night. I had one really good night about 2 nights ago where I slept from about midnight till 7am without having to get up or be aware of rolling over or anything. It was nice! But most nights I am up 3 times to pee and change positions who knows how many times. And I guess it hasn’t been long enough to be out of that new mom mindset, because even in the middle of the night, as soon as I wake up, I’m AWAKE. Like, not groggy or anything. Guess that’s good, since I’ll be needing that skill again here in the next month or so. Urijah starts school on Monday! I’m looking forward to that (and also dreading it a little, too.) Deep down I know he’s going to like it – I mean, what’s not for a two year old to love about music and playgrounds and toys and other kids and snacks and reading? But also dreading for the obvious reasons….I know he’ll have separation anxiety, and he has such a sweet little sad face…it just stabs you through. And, you know, he’s never been away from me for any regularly scheduled time before. We’re a team, so it’s going to be weird to be without him nearby. BUT! It will give me some much needed downtime at this stage in the pregnancy, and after baby brother comes along, we can have a bit of our own one on one bonding time. So, it’s good for everyone, but not necessarily without its bumps.
OK. The carpet is in, U’s room is painted, new blinds are hung, ceiling fan is in and all we need to do today is move his crib and toys and whatnot! Once we get the stuff in the room, we can see where we want stuff and we’ll hang up a shelf and some pictures and wall art. I’ll probably look into getting another bookshelf for his room and separate out the baby books from the bigger kid books…even though he does still like to flip through the board books with my first words or colors. I think they can share, though. I’m planning on leaving the dresser in the baby’s room, since it doubles as the changing table. U’s clothes can stay in there, for the time being….at least until I realize that it’s a bad idea, for whatever reason, down the road. It’s going to be so strange to get out the baby sleeper that goes in our room…it’s been in the closet for a long time! I don’t think any of the new carpet pictures are off the camera yet, but maybe I’ll do a separate post about the remodel all on its own. Once his stuff is moved out of the baby room into the big kid room, then I can start re-setting up the baby stuff in the nursery. We’ll need to get another crib…at some point, but for a while baby number 2 will be in our room, so that can wait, if need be. U’s crib will covert into a toddler bed and then into a full bed so it will stay with him for the duration.
Highlights of the week?
Hmmm…it’s been pretty quiet.
Belly pic: (taken yesterday when U and I were on a morning walk.)

26 Dec 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
At week 31, baby’s about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. She’s also going through major brain, nerve and eye development. Her irises even react to light. All five of her senses are now in working order! Plus, baby’s body temperature is now partially being regulated by parts of her brain. Her bones, with the exception of the skull, are hardening too.
At week 32, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches. She’s likely to be in the head-down position now, getting ready for her descent — the journey down the birth canal. And not a minute too soon, because at this point, she’s probably feeling even more cramped inside Mommy.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
OK…I had a few days there right before Christmas where I wasn’t feeling great at all, but I think I was just overdoing it. Yesterday, on Christmas, I took it kind of easy and I felt fine all day. Except for that part where my normal 8:30am riser woke up at 6:45 or so. That was unexpected, but today he was back to normal, so maybe he was just excited about all the Santa hype? The baby has been moving around lots and it’s been fun to feel.
Weight gain?
Up 24 lbs! I checked my posts from last time and at 32 weeks I had gained 20 lbs, so I’m not too far off that mark. And just because I (and everyone else) think I look so big, I’m posting a comparison picture from about the same time, with Urijah. What do you think? Bigger? Smaller? On Par?
Then and now:

No face this week, since it’s very tired looking, and also read and splotchy from so much nose-blowing.
I actually think I look smaller this time! Could just be the angle or the clothes, but interesting! I feel huge!
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I miss being able to move around in bed comfortably and sleep on my stomach. Same things as last time, as I recall! I am looking forward to moving everything into U’s new big boy room and hanging up his new pictures and all that…
We have made progress! So, since we were going to paint U’s room (turned out Scott didn’t really like the grey we got and the brown color that was in there already was pretty ok for a boy’s room, we decided to just keep it as is. Scott did put a fresh coat over the top to brighten it up, though), we decided just to bite the bullet and replace the upstairs carpet that was so stained and matted down and, well, just yucky. We got brand new carpet in our room, U’s new room, the hallway and the game room. It is super nice and before it was installed Scott screwed down all the sub floor so there are NO MORE SQUEAKS. It’s really exciting! So, Scott replaced all the baseboards in all of those areas, painted, got rid of the squeaks and then the carpet went in on Monday. Now, the new ceiling fan and blinds will go up in U’s room, and then we can move his crib and toys and stuff over. He already knows that’s going to be his room…he points to it when we walk by and says “Rah-rah”, which is what he calls himself. Then I can make room for all the baby stuff in the nursery again and get things set up and in place. I think the strangest thing will be to put the infant car seat in the car again!
Highlights of the week?
CHRISTMAS!! It was a really fun day yesterday. U was over the moon about his toys…so much so that we couldn’t even get him to open everything. He just wanted to play play play. And last night after he went to bed I gathered up a few things and socked them away for a rainy day down the road when we need some fresh entertainment. I got a Kindle Paperwhite!! from Scott and a Le Creuset french oven from the in laws…and a serving bowl from Potterybarn that matches my dishes from my folks. I’m noticing that my taste is getting more and more expensive the older I get. Ha!
Belly pic:
See above!
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