At least one of the three was free.
24 May 2011 3 Comments
in Uncategorized Tags: Domestic Bliss, Home Improvements, Me
So, it was my birthday last week. I have a tradition of refusing to work on my birthday, and this year it worked out great since my birthday landed on a Friday. Long weekend! I slept in a bit and met Kristi for a nice long lunch, and was delivered flowers from my very thoughtful husband.
Speaking of whom…he went out on a limb this year for my birthday present, and was hugely successful! (Though, when is he ever not, am I right?) Very early on in our relationship he gave me a jewelry box for Christmas and over the years, I have…outgrown it. A while back I had mentioned in passing that my jewelry collection was starting to unite and form its own government in there, and this was his solution to prevent total anarchy:
This is the best jewelry ‘armoire’ ever. Both of the sides open for necklace hanging and the top flips up with more space for rings and bracelets and earrings. And the drawers! Look at all of those! The storage possibilities are endless.
To say I love it would be an understatement, but it was not the only new thing that made it into our house recently. We knew that we needed some art for the living room wall above the couch. It was pretty bare and we wanted to consider the living room ‘done’ so we did some searching and found a piece we liked. We braved pouring rain and Friday night shopping crowds in order to bring this baby home:
It’s about 5′ by 2.5′ (the picture makes it look deceptively small) and goes great in the room. Now we can check that room off the list. On to the next!
And last but not least, we inherited this really cool china cabinet from Scott’s great aunt after she passed away.
I know she would be so happy that we have it, and you would never guess how old it is, given that it looks like such a modern style. The glass is all original, though, and has that uneven look to it which just makes it that much cooler. Now that I have a display space for it, all I need to do is pull out the boxes with my grandmother’s china.
If you come to my house for Thanksgiving this year you can eat off of it and feel really special.
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