02 Oct 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
I love bargains! I inherited that from my Mom. But I also learned from my Dad that you get what you pay for, so when it counts, spend good money. In this case, I think I did both. The consignment sale that I have been looking forward to was last night. Well, the pre-sale was last night – the sale goes on through Saturday, but since I was consigning some stuff this time and I was a volunteer, I got to shop at the pre-sale. Which is totally worth the 4 hour volunteer shift I did inspecting people’s consignments and putting them out on the floor. (Even if there were some really nasty and dirty, stained-up things that some people brought in to try to sell. Really…what are some people thinking? I couldn’t wait to wash my hands when I was done.)
But anyway, the shopping. It was madness in there! Lots of people (mostly women…like 98% women) all looking for the best stuff. Everyone was super polite and I even ran into a couple of ladies that I had volunteered with, so we got to chat for a bit while looking through the racks. I did pretty well, I think. I actually did better for the new baby than I did for Urijah, which was surprising, but I realized that as I was looking at everything, it’s really hard to dress a kid for winter in Texas. Since this was the Fall/Winter event, everything had to be long sleeved or sweaters, jeans, coats, etc. So, there were so many cute things, but I was trying to be realistic about what he could really get the most use out of. Last year, he was wearing shorts sleeves and shorts in January and February, followed by days in sweats and hats. So, I was choosy and didn’t load up on too many heavy winter items. But the baby was a bit easier. I looked for some newborn and 3 month sleepers (since those are fine for a baby for winter/spring) and then I jumped right up to the 9-12 month section for next fall for him, as well.
Here’s what I got for Urijah:

2 sweaters, a button down shirt, one long-sleeve t shirt, a brown sweater/hoodie and some dinosaur pjs
And for the baby:

4 sleepers, a Halloween shirt, khaki overalls, a sweater, 3 piece Christmas outfit, 2 piece newborn outfit, footie pajamas and a 3 piece set with a hoodie. Oh, and a seriously cute Christmas vest. Well, my intention it to use it for Christmas pictures, anyhow.)
And this was a steal at $5 for Urijah , as well:

So, 18 clothing items/sets and 1 toy, for $79. Not bad, eh? I’m a sucker for Gap clothes for kids, so quite a few things are Gap brand, one shirt was Janie and Jack, and the rest were Carters/Target, etc. I’m planning to go back on Saturday, when it is the half price day, to see if there is anything else we might need. The area with the toys was so jam packed you could hardly sort through the tables of stuff without causing an avalanche of Fisher Price and Little Tikes, so maybe that will be easier to navigate on Saturday once the merchandise has thinned out some. I looked for a booster seat, and there were a few, but nothing spectacular that I had to have. All in all, a success, I’d say! Oh, and I checked online today and already 8 of my consignment items have sold (totaling $41)! Just at the pre-sale last night. So I can check again each night when they upload all the sales info and it will reflect what items are sold each day. So exciting! And since I volunteered, I get 70% of the selling price for my items. I have a total of 40 things for sale, so I think that I will have made back all my spent money, and then some, by the time it’s all done.
Also, in unrelated news, I ordered a custom diaper bag from a girl off Etsy and it arrived yesterday! I love it. I had this same girl make me a purse several years ago and I really like it and it’s held up well, so I asked if she could make me a bag similar to it, just bigger and taa-daa! Here ’tis:

It’s reversible – grey and white chevron canvas weight fabric on one side, and solid grey on the other.

3 pockets inside and a key fob

and 3 pockets outside on the back. And the strap is adjustable. Super spacious inside – plenty of room for whatever stuff both a toddler and a new baby need. I think we’re going to have a long and happy relationship!
01 Oct 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Baby weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. He’s still got a lot of growing to do, though. At week 20, your baby has working taste buds, and he’s gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day — that’s significantly more than before.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
OK. This past week the heartburn started. I never had any heartburn with Urijah, so this is new territory for me. But I know from Lisa’s experience that it’s pretty miserable. So far, I’ve only had two nights where it’s woken me up and interrupted my sleep. And it hasn’t really bothered me at all during the day…just nighttime. The first night, I didn’t realize what it was for a while. I kind of felt nauseated and uncomfortable, and tossed and turned quite a bit, and then it registered. I got up and went downstairs to google what I could do about it. Interestingly enough, I found a list of foods to eat that could help alleviate it, and apple was one of those things. So, there I am, at 4 in the morning, standing at the kitchen sink eating an apple. And you know what? It totally worked. In just a few minutes, in fact. I think it also probably helped that I was practically sitting up in bed, propped up by pillows, when I fell back asleep, but whatever works! The next night, I woke up really thirsty, so I got a couple of gulps of water from the bathroom sink and got back into bed, and in just a few minutes, the burning sensation started. Water? Really? So I went back downstairs and had some more apple. Seriously, a miracle food! So, I haven’t had heartburn the last 2 or 3 nights, but I’ve made sure not to have anything to eat or drink for about 2 hours before going to bed, and I’m propping myself up on pillows at least until I fall asleep. Seems to be working so far. But if it comes back, I’ll keep using the apple trick as long as it works!
Also, yesterday and today, I seem to be dragging, energy-wise. I’m hoping it’s a passing thing and I’ll feel more energized soon. Urijah is at the go-go-go stage (can it be called a stage if it’s probably going to last for the next 10 years?) and he wants to either be climbing all over you like a jungle gym, or going “fa”! That’s ‘fast’ for all you lay-people. He loves to chase and wants to run, run, run – preferably with you running in front of him. And I feel guilty that I always just want to say, “But, I’m tiiiired.” So, we run.
Weight gain?
I’m not checking again until my next prenatal appt on October 8th!
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I miss….not much right now. Looking forward to the family visit, Urijah’s birthday, and doing some fall activities. Pumpkin patches, Halloween parties and whatnot.
Last night my volunteer shift for the consignment sale and today is when I get to shop early. So, last night Scott and U were on their own for about 5 hours while I was working. I’m hoping to find a booster seat for U (He’s about ready to quit using his highchair seat and really, is only about 4 pounds from the weight limit max on it, anyhow), maybe a Beco baby carrier (but I think that’s unlikely because people love those things and they are expensive, so I’ll be surprised if one happens to be at the sale…but you never know!), and maybe some books on potty training and preparing a toddler for a new sibling. Oh, and maybe a Halloween costume for Urijah, as well. Still can’t think of something good for him to be, so maybe there will be just the perfect thing there. In addition to the clothes.
Highlights of the week?
I can’t think of anything specific except for some good rain that we got! That’s always exciting and a big deal around here. And especially when it leads to morning temps in the 60s. Cause to celebrate!
Belly pic:
we’ll take one tonight and I’ll update it later…
25 Sep 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
During week 19, your baby measures about 6 inches long and weighs in at about 8.5 ounces. She’s developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It’s greasy and white, and you may see some of it at her birth.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
So, last week when I said I was ready for fall? Well, someone must have been listening, because we got a taste of it!! We had 2 days where the high was only in the low 80s, and all of sudden, the nights are cooling off. It is like heaven. Urijah and I have been taking total advantage of it, too. We have spent a ton of time outside…playgrounds, walks, kicking the ball, and just running around like crazy. It’s been so nice. And even today we did something very unique…we met up with some other moms and kids who like to have fun and we went stand-up paddleboarding on the lake in Austin. It was our first time and it was a huge success! I was able to stand up when I was by myself, and U got on the board with me and we tooled around the lake for a bit. He did great and when I asked him if he liked it he did the sign for ‘more’. I think that’s a yes.
Weight gain?
I’m not checking again until my next prenatal appt on October 8th!
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
Birthday celebrations! Still. it’s going to be so fun to have family and friends around. And Lisa and Ada are coming from Portland, and I can’t wait for Ada and Urijah to get to play together and see them bond. We get to have them here for about a week, so the cousins will have plenty of playtime. We’re going to wear those kids out!
The big consignment sale is coming up at the beginning of next week, so I’m looking forward to that (I guess this could technically go under the section above and this one….). I’m going to be able to get U some stuff for this fall and winter and the new baby will get some stuff, as well. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some fantastic deals on good stuff!
Highlights of the week?
Going paddleboarding was really fun…I’m so glad we tried it! Also, on Sunday I took Urijah up to the Southwestern University campus and we ran and kicked the ball for about an hour and a half all around their big grass quad. To see my big kid running at full speed, laughing and kicking the ball while doing it, just made me so proud. He’s getting so big and is learning so much. I can’t believe all the stuff he can do now!
Belly Pic:
20 Sep 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
Not too much going on over here this week, but I thought I’d share a couple of photos from Urijah’s photo shoot back in August. My friend Hannah is starting her photography business and I won a little contest she offered on Facebook, so I got a free 30 minute photo shoot. And because she is so rad, it ended up being more like 2 hours and she just kept shooting! We had a great time and U was totally cooperative and just down right adorable. I won’t post too many pictures here, because it’s a pretty good possibility that you all will be getting a framed picture for Christmas and I want those to be a surprise. Is there a cut-off for when it’s weird for me to give out framed pictures of my kids? I hope not.
Here are a handful of cute shots! (Click to view larger)

Most of the pictures were taken on the Southwestern University campus by our house (really beautiful location for pictures!) and they have two nice fountains that were very tempting on such a hot day. Since it was at the end of the shoot we decided to be daring and let U get in the water and play around. It was a good decision to break to rules (even though I was on high alert for some authority figure to come running out and tell us we were in trouble. Totally didn’t happen.) because the water pictures turned out really cute and he loved it!

18 Sep 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He’s busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you’ll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they’re still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he’s born. If you’re having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
Ready for fall is how I’m feeling! I know other parts of the country are experiencing weather in the mid 60s, and are wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts, and I’m jealous. This morning, I thought I’d surprise U and make an unexpected stop at the playground before we went to the grocery store. About 40 minutes later his hair was completely soaked with sweat (he really looked like he got a cup of water dumped on his head) and mine was partially frizzed out and partially hanging limply in my face, and I had visible sweat stains on my shirt. Just from being at the playground. Ugh. He had fun though. I try to remind myself that’s what matters. Physically though, I’m feeling good. I felt the very first small movements last Monday, and it felt like tiny little flicks from inside. Just like it did with Urijah. Since then I can feel sort of gliding sensations in there. Nothing too strong yet, and I really have to pay attention to it, but I can feel it!
Weight gain?
Back down to 9 lbs, last I checked. At my last prenatal appointment the midwife told me that they want to see a minimum of 10 lbs gained by twenty weeks, so I’m doing just fine. Right on track.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I’m really looking forward to Urijah’s birthday – only 1 month away! I can’t believe it. 2 years. Where did my baby go?! Good thing I’m getting a replacement. Ha! Just kidding. I’m looking forward to having family around and having a fun time eating cake.
Nothing too new this week, I don’t think. I had a coupon for $1.50 off a pack of the newborn diapers that I liked from last time, so I went ahead and got a pack. Does that count as preparedness? I think so! We’re waiting until after U’s birthday to sell off the guest room furniture, since we’ll have visitors needing to use it. But after that, we can start the bedroom transition, so that he is firmly settled into his new room well before his brother makes an arrival. We might also just wait to paint until after the furniture is gone, since it will definitely be easier to paint an empty room.
Highlights of the week?
Feeling the baby move was pretty good!
Belly Pic:
11 Sep 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
So, better late than never, I say! U and I went to Florida to see my folks about 2 weeks ago…or 3? Anyway, we had a great time – we stayed for almost a week, which was nice…our travel days didn’t feel back to back that way and we had plenty of time to do all sorts of stuff. Urijah isn’t quite old enough to really enjoy stuff like the zoo, so we skipped doing stuff like that where we would have all just paid a lot of money to sweat profusely, when, really, we can do that for free at home. Instead we played with all the many toys at Gram and Grandpa’s house, we went to the beach, we met up with some friends at the art museum to play around in the kids section (such a huge hit last time we were there we did it again, and all for free!), and we ate, and ate and ate. Oh, and of, course, Mom and I shopped some, but not as much as we used to, since now we have a little person tagging along who can only take so much confined stroller time.
The trip to the beach was a big highlight, and I had my doubts about how it would go. I pictured us schlepping all the stuff it takes to go to the beach for a few hours down the super long boardwalk, getting set up, only to have Urijah decide he was tired/hungry/unsure about how the sand felt on his hands, etc. BUT! I was so pleasantly surprised when he LOVED it.

He wanted to go right into the water and since it was an overcast day and even sort of drizzling while we were there, the water was pretty rough, and the waves were coming in fast and hard. No fear for this kid, though. He wanted to stand in the shallow water and let those waves crash into him again and again.

He laughed like crazy and held onto our hands while we lifted him up for the bigger waves and made sure he didn’t get sucked out to sea. He was quite happy to sit in the very wet sand and let it drizzle out of his fingers and later to run up and down the beach and in and out of the water’s edge.

A nice lady passing by offered to take our picture, so we took her up on it. Nice!

But not before an inopportune wave tried to mess it all up.

(I love Urijah’s face in this one…happiness! Also please notice his 2 little handfuls of sand..not letting those go no matter what. Andy my death grip on his arm.)
The rest of the trip was pretty relaxed, so here are just some fun hanging out shots.

(I’m pretty sure everyone was recruited to do some sweeping at some point. He loves to scoop up dirt and dump it in the trash!)
Thanks for the fun visit Gram and Grandpa!

10 Sep 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Your baby’s skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she’s around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
Good! I finally am back to having some energy and not just feeling sluggish all the time. There was a while there I was feeling so worn down and blah just constantly, I actually thought it was my new normal mental state and I was really bummed about it. I’m glad to report that I was in fact just really tired and in the early stages of pregnancy and I am now pretty much back to normal. Which is good, because being all lame and depressed just doesn’t work with my life.
Weight gain?
10 pounds. At 17 weeks, I think I’m ok with that.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I miss being able to hold pee. I know that’s probably too much information for this here public blog, but seriously, I really, really hope I gain back some bladder strength after this baby is born. Either that, or that I never have to sneeze again.
Nope. I remember this being kind of an uninteresting topic from last time, too, so maybe I’ll find another heading to replace it for next week.
Well, since we found out this week what we’re having I was able to go through all Urijah’s clothes that I had stored away and sort through what we can use and what we can’t. Since we found out it’s a BOY! (pretty much everyone who is reading already knows that since we called and told you all, so it’s not exactly a big surprise now) I didn’t have to worry about getting rid of a ton of boy stuff – we can use that all again! But these two kids will be born into different seasons, so there was a handful of things that this baby won’t be able to use…like a super cute red cable knit sweater in size 3 months. I don’t think he’ll need that here in May. But, most stuff I was able to keep, so that will be really nice! Everything is at hand, and probably just needs to get washed after being packed away for a while, and we’re good to go. Also, this weekend I was at Target and I cruised through the kids bedding section, in case there was something for U’s new room that caught my eye. Lo and behold, a picture that I have been eyeballing for over a year, at least, was finally on clearance and it was the last one! I really love it so I snatched it up!

All the pictures it has for each state are really cute and I know this is something I would have loved to stare at when I was a kid, (or even now) so hopefully he will too.
Highlights of the week?
We found out it’s a boy! At first the ultrasound tech had some trouble because the umbilical cord was between his legs, but after eating a Starburst and standing up and bending over and mashing on my belly, he had shifted around and we got a good view. I was really surprised. I don’t know why! 50/50 chance and all. But I was genuinely shocked. I think I would have felt the same way about a girl, though. Maybe because I didn’t have a clear gut instinct this time, so anything would have been a surprise. And I could really easily see our lives in the future with either a girl or a boy, so to find out that one of those paths was going to come true was just sort of wild to think about. The only part I was dreading about having a boy was picking out a name. We had so easily settled on Urijah’s name before I was even pregnant with him, and we already had a girl name that we loved, as well. But to think of another boy’s name that we liked as much as Urijah? Oh boy. But, you know what? I think we’ve already done it. Way, way easier than I was expecting. And I’m sorry, but we’re not telling until the baby is born. If you have any complaints you may send them…somewhere else. 😉 Patience. It is a virtue.
Belly Pic: (this was sort of a last minute shot, so the shirt I’m wearing doesn’t exactly show off the belly too well.)
05 Sep 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
Since I was in Florida last week, I missed doing the week 15 update, and now here were are at 16 weeks already! So, combo post.
What’s new with the baby?
15 weeks – Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She’s busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she’s likely to move away from the beam. There’s not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby’s a boy or a girl! (Don’t be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby’s sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby’s position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to “hide the goods.”)
16 weeks -Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he’s about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren’t recognizable yet. He’s even started growing toenails. And there’s a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
Very good! Finally. I noticed yesterday that when I took Urijah to the playground that I was walking faster and I didn’t actually mind jumping around and being silly while he was swinging. And I realized I must really be feeling much better now. Before it was all I could do to drag myself outside and just stand there an push him and I felt just worn down and miserable. But, so much better now. I am counting the days till we get some cooler weather, as that will make going outside even more enjoyable, but that isn’t anytime soon, according to the weather report of 100 degrees for the next 2 days and 101 for the day after that. Scott and I talk (joke?) more and more these days about moving somewhere cooler. Somewhere with seasons would be nice.
Weight gain?
Right before we left for Florida I checked again and it was down to 7.5 lbs, so that’s a smidge better than 9. I haven’t stepped on the scale again, though. We ate a lot in Florida, and there was plenty of snacking at the house, so….well.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to finding out what this baby is very, very soon! Like this week or next, depending on when we can get in to get the ultrasound. And seeing the baby on the big screen will be nice, too, for some peace of mind that everything is progressing along in there just like it ought to be.
Nothing here. I’m actually feeling the desire to cook things again, so that will be nice. It’s been so long since I’ve wanted to drag myself into the kitchen, that I’m actually looking forward to making things that we can eat at home instead of spending the big money on eating out. But, it was a nice luxury to be able to do that when I was feeling so out of sorts!
Nothing. Boo. Scott decided not to paint the room while we were gone, so other than the room being mostly cleared out, that’s all to report. Once we find out what the baby is, we’ll make some forward progress, I guess!
Highlights of the week?
Our trip to Florida was fantastic! U was a great traveler, as usual, and we had a blast with Gram and Grandpa. I’ll do a separate post about that this week with some pictures!
Belly Pics:
We missed both weeks 15 and 16. We’ll be back with 17 for sure!
20 Aug 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
This week’s big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he’ll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you’re having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.
In other news: Your baby’s stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — (about the size of a lemon) — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body’s growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that’s in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He’s starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body. Your baby’s liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it’s doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can’t feel his tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist’s hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
Pretty good. I had an ‘off’ day yesterday, but today feels much better. Sleep is getting a little bit more annoying though. I’m having to wake up to pee about 2, sometimes 3, times a night, and I can’t really get all the way comfortable, but when I shift around, I have to do it carefully or else I will feel some serious
round ligament pain, and that just is no fun in the middle of the night. It also happens when I sneeze or stand up too quickly. So, I’m spending a lot of time moving slowly and deliberately to avoid doubling over and breathing through the pain like I’m having a contraction.
Weight gain?
Um. 9 pounds. I don’t even know what to say about that. (Except that I checked my blog entry from last time and at 14 weeks I had only gained 2.5 lbs . Oh sheesh.)
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to the trip to Florida this week to see mom and Dad! Only 3 more days!
Nothing new to report in this category. Weird.
Last night we went to Home Depot and picked out a paint color for Urijah’s new room! It’s called Doeskin Grey and I hope we like it once it’s on the walls. Of course, after we got home with 2 gallons and were looking at the little dot they put on the lid we thought it looked totally different than the swatch. We had the “paint always dries totally different” and “maybe it will show up darker on the walls” conversation that we have probably had every single time we’ve bought paint. I think that’s sort of a requirement before the actual painting begins. Scott is going to try to get the room painted while U and I are in Florida. Which means that I need to do some serious cleaning out over the next couple of days to get the room ready for that. (I tried to find the paint swatch online to show you but Behr’s site doesn’t recognize that name. So….you’ll just have to wait for the pictures when it’s done.)
Highlights of the week?
We went to a party at a friend’s house this weekend, and it was quite fun, although exhausting. U had a great time – there were tons of kids and a kiddie pool and dirt and watermelon and balls and cookies. So he was happy. There was lots of food, so that made me happy, but mostly I had to just shadow him all around, so it wasn’t exactly relaxing.
Belly Pic:
13 Aug 2013
by jhking
in Uncategorized
What’s new with the baby?
Fingerprints have formed on your baby’s tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you’re having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (about the size of a pea pod) and weighs nearly an ounce.
Food comparison this week is…
How am I feeling?
Better! The nausea has really seemed to subside in the last week or so, but I still don’t feel great if I go too long without a meal. Food is still the ever important topic in my mind. Otherwise, not too much to report in this category.
Weight gain?
Still haven’t done it. Next week, for sure.
What do I miss? What am I looking forward to?
I updated the heading for this section, because I feel like I am looking forward to more things that I am missing, so I wanted to balance the scales. I miss not seeing my family more often, but Urijah and I are heading to the Great State of the Beach (Florida) in about a week and a half to see my Mom and Dad, so that’s what I’m looking forward to. Also, only about 3 more weeks till we can find out (hopefully) what this baby is!! Any guesses? There hasn’t been nearly the discussion about the sex this go round, so I’m not sure which way everyone is leaning. Scott says girl, I *think* it’s a girl, just because this pregnancy feels so different than the last one (even though Mom told me that was faulty logic.). Anyone else?
I got my Potbelly chicken salad sandwich last week, and already this morning I was thinking about when I could get another one. I really need that franchise to open in Georgetown. Other than that, no strange cravings. Just hungry in general. And apparently I am eating more and longer than usual….Scott said he keeps noticing that he’s always done way before me and I’m still just plodding along finishing every single thing. Maybe I should quit putting off weighing myself. This could get out of hand before I know it.
We went to IKEA the other night and got a really cool toy storage system that will be for Urijah’s new room once it is done. But for now it is living in the front room that we have made into a pseudo-playroom. With an antique china cabinet full of expensive china. Because we just thought that all went together really well. But what it did for us was take every single toy out of the living room. Scott even busted me yesterday just standing at the edge of the living room gazing at how peaceful and clean it looked with all the toys relocated. If only for a while.

Highlights of the week?
The new toy bin was kind of a highlight for me. Also, I had a friend who is working on her photography business take some pictures of Urijah and it was really fun! I’ve even got to see some of them already and some turned out super cute! I’ll post those later in the week to spread out the joy.
Belly Pic:
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